
The world after 20 years
The world after 20 years


When the line behind him got too long, the driver showed him how to do it, commenting archly, “I see you don’t ride the bus very often.” One elderly ex-con told me it took him a while to get used to the smell of ladies perfume again, after years of little contact with the opposite sex. AL DA has collected 20 historical events of the past 20 years since the Twin Towers fell. But since then and until now, many are the milestones that have transformed the reality of the world. The Chicks’ Emily Strayer, left, Natalie Maines and Martie Maguire. Swiping one through a subway turnstile came easily, but figuring out how to dip the card into a bus’s farebox stopped him cold. The world changed in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in 2001 and for historians, the attacks marked the turn of the century. Twenty years after country music canceled the Chicks, they have no regrets: ‘It set us free’. The fare had doubled, from $1.25 to $2.50, while he’d been away, and MetroCards had replaced tokens. As Frances symbol in the world, and the showcase of Paris.

the world after 20 years

After 22 years in prison on first-degree robbery charges, Larry C. knew he’d have to get accustomed to the subway system all over again. Only intended to last 20 years, it was saved by the scientific experiments that Eiffel. Debit cards take some getting used to, and public assistance, which many newly-released prisoners rely on to survive, is now largely doled out this way. Paying for things is a lot different than it used to be, too. What prompted the change Well, it appears China and India can take the majority of the credit. for the “count” is a hard habit to break, and after being surrounded by people 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for years on end, being alone can be unnerving. NASA has some good news, the world is a greener place today than it was 20 years ago.

The world after 20 years